Join Deacon Larry & Andi Oney, Mary Bielski, Terry Quinn, Kitty Cleveland, Timmy McCaffery, Fr. Austin Barr and music ministry lead by John Finch for the Annual Gathering of Hope and Purpose Ministries where we'll dive deeply into God’s transformative glory. Click for details and to register.
We are having a special Saturday evening game night. Join us in the PCC for Laser Tag, Ping Pong, UNO, Connect Four and any other games you care to bring along with you.
Join us for our Family Mass where we celebrate the domestic church together during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the 10:30 AM Mass on the third Sunday of every month. The Knights of Columbus will be serving donuts and coffee in the PCC after both the 10:30am Family Mass and the regular 8:30am Mass.
We continue our special series of presentations on the Mass by discussing how God speaks to us through Scripture in the Liturgy of the Word. Join us at the 4PM Mass and then for a meal and the presentation.
Join us for our First Saturday Devotion as we seek the intercession of our Blessed Mother as we pray for the salvation of the world. Click for details.
Happy Mardi Gras! Daily Mass today will be at 8:30 AM (not 7:30 AM). Our Parish Office will be closed for the day and will reopen tomorrow on Ash Wednesday.
The holy and penitential Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th, with the distribution of Ashes. The Mass Schedule is 7:30AM, 12PM (Noon), 5:30PM, and 7:00PM in Spanish.
Experience the depth of Christ's love for you by praying with us through the Way of the Cross in the Church on all Fridays during Lent at 6:00PM in English and 7:00PM in Spanish.
Join us in the main Sanctuary after the 7:30 AM Mass for a Holy Hour, Devotions to the Sacred Heart, and recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet as we worship and adore Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
We continue our special series of presentations on the Mass by discussing the what happens during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Join us at the 4PM Mass and then for a meal and the presentation.
Experience the depth of Christ's love for you by praying with us through the Way of the Cross in the Church on all Fridays during Lent at 6:00PM in English and 7:00PM in Spanish.
Join us for our Family Mass where we celebrate the domestic church together during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the 10:30 AM Mass on the third Sunday of every month. The Knights of Columbus will be serving donuts and coffee in the PCC after both the 10:30am Family Mass and the regular 8:30am Mass.
All are welcome to visit and pray in front of our St. Joseph Altar as we celebrate this important Feast Day as Catholics. The Altar will be open on Wednesday, March 19th, 2025 from 10 AM-6 PM in the Narthex. The altar will be blessed after the 9 AM St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School Mass with Tupa Tupa to follow. Items will be available for purchase during the hours the altar is open. Click for details.
Experience the depth of Christ's love for you by praying with us through the Way of the Cross in the Church on all Fridays during Lent at 6:00PM in English and 7:00PM in Spanish.
We continue our special series of presentations on the Mass by discussing the vestments, vessels and other articles used in the liturgy of the Mass. Join us at the 4PM Mass and then for a meal and the presentation.
Experience the depth of Christ's love for you by praying with us through the Way of the Cross in the Church on all Fridays during Lent at 6:00PM in English and 7:00PM in Spanish.
Enjoy delicious food as teams compete for the awards of "Best Tailgate Dish" and “Best Cajun Comfort Dish" while strolling through our annual Car Show. Click for details, including sponsorship opportunities, and pre-order sales.